Immigration Outreach Service Center Programs
The IOSC provides a wide range of referral assistance in matters relating to adjustment of status, citizenship, political asylum, social services, education, employment, housing, financial assistance, and health care.

Our trained volunteers listen with compassion and competency and guide our clients to the local service providers they need.
These include legal services, health care services, housing information, assistance in finding educational and employment opportunities and food assistance.
- We provide a wide range of referral services. Our trained volunteers listen with compassion and competency and guide our clients to the local service providers they need. These include legal services, health care services, housing information, assistance in finding educational and employment opportunities, case management, and food assistance.
- We provide ongoing supportive relationships with our clients as needed. Our volunteers are available to follow up on services needed and to offer continued guidance and support.
- We provide tutoring to immigrant children in elementary, middle, and high school. Tutoring is offered on Saturdays from 1PM – 3PM. Please call the office for registration information.
- We also tutor adults in computer literacy, financial literacy, and other educational needs including some tutoring for English Language Learners.
- We offer seminars and updates on immigration issues. Please call the office for further information.
- We provide opportunities for immigrants to come together to learn and grow, to organize, and to share information with one another.
- We network with other community-based and religious organizations to improve the quality of life for immigrants living in the Baltimore area.